Our grain free Salmon & Trout dog food is made with a smaller kibble for smaller breeds, it is delicious, made with 53% Fish, Sweet Potato and Asparagus making it a great dining experience for every dog, even those with high standards. It provides a balanced healthy diet designed with their well-being in mind and you’ll notice lots of extra enthusiasm at dinner time.
What’s in it for you and your dogs?
High levels of Salmon & Trout with lots of fresh quality fish.
Grain free, so very easy on the digestion to let your dog flourish.
Rich in Amino acids, Vitamins and Minerals to help them feel great!
Watch their skin and coat shine and dazzle like never before.
No smelly, yukky stools on this diet!
Ingredients: Salmon & Trout 53% (including 27% Freshly Prepared Salmon & Trout, 20% Dried Salmon, Salmon Oil 4% & 2% Salmon Stock), Sweet Potato (22%), Peas (9%), Potato , Linseed, Beet Pulp, Omega 3 Supplement, Vitamins & Minerals, Vegetable Stock, Asparagus (0.3%), FOS (96 mg/kg), MOS (24 mg/kg)
Analysis: Crude Protein 27%, Crude Fat 15%, Crude Fibres 3%, Crude Ash 8%, Moisture 8%
Nutritional Additives per kg: Vitamin A 15,000 IU, Vitamin D3 2000 IU, Vitamin E 95 IU;
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